Gynecology Clinic in Dubai

Gynecology Clinic in Dubai Dr. Vitali Petukhou
Gynecology Clinic in Dubai
If you are new in Dubai and are just thinking about how to take care of your health, then this article is definitely for you. I will tell you how a clinic differs from a hospital and where you should go if you need a consultation with the best gynecologist.

When the conversation turns to women's health and reproductive well-being, what comes to mind is a doctor with extensive experience and a clinic with modern equipment. I think this is because women’s health does not tolerate amateurism, because, along with the health of children, this is the most precious thing we have.

All gynecologists in Dubai work either in clinics or hospitals. In both cases, the obstetrician-gynecologist conducts consultations in his own office, which is called a “clinic”. A modern gynecologist clinic in Dubai is equipped with modern equipment in which the doctor conducts examinations, performs colposcopy, ultrasound and minor interventions (for example, insertion or removal of an intrauterine device).

In addition, an experienced gynecologist in the hospital performs more complex diagnostic interventions (for example, hysteroscopy), open and laparoscopic surgeries and manage deliveries.

The qualifications of a doctor in Dubai are of fundamental importance. In many cases, the consultation goes far beyond the routine gyne exam and performing swabs. A quick ultrasound examination is also not enough. To provide high-quality and comprehensive modern care, it is necessary to really master such methods as ultrasound, colposcopy, laparoscopy, and hysteroscopy. Expert level knowledge of European, British, American standards of diagnosis and treatment is required.

Preparation is necessary that will allow, in the event of an emergency, to take responsibility for decision-making and perform an emergency surgery.

Working in one of the best gynecology clinics in Dubai, I can state that this is what patients expect. Every day I encounter different cases: from performing simple smears to cases of treatment of gynecological cancer and from diagnosing early pregnancy to emergency delivery in critical situations. No part of the work seems less important to me as it relates to women’s health

A best gynecology clinic should treat infertility, menstrual disorders, cervical diseases, treatment of fibroids and endometriosis, monitoring normal and high-risk pregnancies and much more. The best gynecologists of hospitals in Dubai also manage deliveries and perform surgeries, staying in touch with their patients 24/7.

Patients from other countries often fly to such specialists. Some for regular check-up, and others for surgery, because Dubai is one of the popular destinations for medical tourism. To work at this level, the doctor's skills and experience must be outstanding. Needless to say, the number of applicants for the position of gyncologist in Dubai can be 50-70 people.

I wish you to find “your” best gynecologist in Dubai!
Ob/Gyn specialist Dr. Vitali Petukhou, MD. PhD, EBCOG.
  • How not to make a mistake when choosing a gynecologist in Dubai?
    Please note a few points:
    First, the doctor must have a license from the Dubai Ministry of Health and officially work in a hospital or clinic in Dubai.
    The second is the qualification of a doctor. Each specialty has general practitioners (or simply GPs), specialists and consultants. It is specialists and consultants who carry out complex diagnostic procedures, perform ultrasound, colposcopy, surgeries, and manage pregnancy and delivery. The type of doctor's license can be found on the DHA website, on his seal, in the clinic or hospital where he works.
    Third, the best gynecologist in Dubai never hide their qualifications, education, experience, publications, etc. and it's always easy to check.
  • What is the duration of a consultation with a gynecologist in Dubai?
    The duration of the Ob/Gyn consultation in Dubai may vary in different clinics and hospitals, and even in the same clinic, depending on the specialist. As a rule, it is 15-30 minutes.
  • What is included in the cost of a standard consultation with a gynecologist in Dubai?
    A standard consultation includes communication with the patient, gynecological examination and recommendations. Typically, smears or ultrasounds require an additional fee, but many hospitals and clinics offer packages.
  • Is it possible to have a consultation at night?
    Appointment in most hospitals and clinics from 8:00 to 20:00. At night, you should go to the Emergency Department of the hospital.
  • What is the cost of a gynecologist consultation in Dubai?
    The cost of an initial visit depends on the doctor’s qualifications, the level of his license and the hospital or clinic in which he works. The cost of a appointment with a specialist doctor averages 450-650 AED. A follow-up consultation within 7 days is free in most cases. It is worth clarifying whether the day of consultation is considered the first day.

European Board Certified Gynecologist in Dubai
Dr. Vitali Petukhou

Expert gynecology in simple words. Consultations, ultrasound, colposcopy, laparoscopy, surgeries. Management of pregnancy and delivery, C-section.
Phone: +971 504 507 752

Clemenceau Medical Center Hospital Dubai
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