Gynecology Check-Up in Dubai

Gynecology check-up in Dubai
Photo by Ryan Moreno on Unsplash
Preventative check-ups with a gynecologist in Dubai are regular medical examinations that help maintain women's health and prevent possible problems.

Recommendations for the frequency and content of examinations may vary depending on age, general health, reproductive history and other factors.

Here is a general overview of what a preventive examination with a gynecologist may include:

1) History and conversation:
Your gynecologist will begin your appointment by talking about your health, reproductive history, previous pregnancies (if any), your menstrual cycle, and any symptoms or concerns.

2) General medical examination
Assessment of weight, pulse and blood pressure. Usually in Dubai, all these measurement parameters are set by a nurse before you visit the gynecologist. Examination of the breasts and lymph nodes, as well as training in breast self-examination, is an important part of the OB/GYN examination.

3) Gynecology examination.
The main component of a preventive examination by a gynecologist. It includes:
  • External examination of the genital organs.
  • Internal examination using speculum to assess the condition of the cervix and vagina.
  • Manual assessment of uterine and ovarian health.
In some cases, a standard gynecological examination may be supplemented with special components, such as assessing the condition of the pelvic floor muscles.

4) Smears and tests
During a gynecology examination, the doctor usually performs some smears and tests:
  • A smear for cytological analysis (PAP - test or PAP - smear) to detect changes in the cells of the cervix. In Dubai, it is performed only by liquid cytology (the most modern method, which is the gold standard).
  • A smear and culture for microflora allows you to exclude inflammation and identify changes in the microflora of the genital tract.
  • Analysis for sexually transmitted infections (STD - panel), such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, mycoplasma infection and many others.
  • Screening for human papillomavirus (HPV).

5) Screening for diseases and cancer:
Discuss the need for screening for cervical, breast, or other cancers based on age and risk factors.

6) Discussion of reproductive health:
  • Preparing for pregnancy, if this is relevant to you.
  • Discussion of menopause and possible changes in the body.

7) Discussion of sexual health and problems:
Conversation about sexual health, sexual relationships, infection prevention and other issues if this is acceptable and relevant to you.

Gynecological examination is an important part of preventative medicine for women, helping to identify problems in the early stages and prevent possible complications. Regular visits to the gynecologist help maintain women's health throughout your life, no matter where you are. If you live in Dubai, this becomes especially relevant. The rhythm of life in this metropolis is simply amazing, and success, beauty, productivity and, of course, health have long been associated with staying in it.

Your gynecologist in Dubai, Dr. Vitali Petukhou.
  • How often should you undergo a gynecological check-up in Dubai?
    In most cases, a regular check-up by a gynecologist is enough to undergo once a year. If certain conditions are detected, examinations may be more frequent, for example, once every 6 months or once every 3 months.
  • How often should a PAP-test be done?
    If the result of the PAP-test is negative (no dysplasia or cancer cells are detected), then the PAP-test is recommended to be performed at least once every 3 years. If a human papillomavirus (HPV) test was performed along with the PAP test and it also did not reveal high-risk viruses, then a repeat test is recommended at least once every 5 years.
  • Is testing for human papillomavirus included in the STD panel?
    Screening for human papillomavirus (HPV) is not usually included in the STD panel. This is an independent analysis that is performed using the PCR method. The analysis includes the identification of many viruses, which are designated by serial numbers. Some viruses are low risk, for example types 6 and 11 - they can cause the formation of condylomas, but do not cause dysplasia and cancer. Another part of the viruses is considered high risk, for example types 16, 18, 31, 33, since they can cause the development of dysplasia and cancer.
  • When and how often should you have a mammogram?
    Most screening programs today recommend mammography every year starting at age 40.
  • Is it possible to find out about hereditary predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer?
    Yes, such genetic tests exist and are available in Dubai. To do this, you need to take a blood test to check for special mutations. If such mutations are identified, more active surveillance and, in some cases, preventive treatment will be necessary.

Gynecologist in Dubai Dr. Vitali Petukhou

Expert gynecology in simple words. Consultations, ultrasound, colposcopy, laparoscopy, surgeries. Management of pregnancy and delivery, C-section.
Phone/WhatsApp: +971 504 507 752

Clemenceau Medical Center Hospital Dubai
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